Posts Tagged ‘hippogriffs’

Okay, I discovered this website in February (well, not actually DISCOVERED it as much as forced to join here by a friend) and can I just say that it is just WOW! The website is called, and it is the BEST thing that has happened to book lovers since paperbacks and e-readers. Let’s just say that this baby is a library, just better. And I mean better than the Hogwarts style ancient tomes, ladders and reading by firelight.

To get the most out of the website, it would be better to register for it. (Yes, yes, it’s free. Hold your hippogriffs.) You can see how great the website is from the moment you register. Goodreads will take you down aisle of books of different genres, and you can rate books you HAVE read, and add books to your own personal library and mark them as to-read. Which means that in the future, you can peruse upon your wonderful collection and muse upon books that you may add to it from you “to-read” section.


As you can see above, based on my ratings of all the books in the fantasy genre, Goodreads coughs up some neat fantasy recommendations for me. Note: You can’t see any of the classics by Rowling, Tolkien, Paolini or Nix here because I’ve already read or want-to-read them. If any catch your fancy, all you have to do is hover over the “want to read” button, and a short description of the book will appear, like this:

Under the title, you can see the average rating by all the users, and you can click on the title for user reviews and regarding stats. You can also click on the series (if there is one) to see the titles in it. And not just that, you can make friends with people and compare books with them. Once you make friends, the books they are reading or have read will show up on your home page. By clicking on their profile, you will be able to access the “compare books” feature, which will show how compatible you are as friends. When you find a book that you think your friends will enjoy, you can recommend them the book, and they can check it out themselves! I think that sure beats the old-fashioned way of letting someone know of a book you like, and keep bugging them to google it.

If that doesn’t catch your attention yet, then maybe this will. For those of you who have only read a few books in your life, and only stick to a specific genre, it’s all the more reason for you to sign up to this website. When you select a book, you can read the official blurb on it, you can read user reviews, you can see which of your friends have read or will read this book and you can see which books are similar to this.

And that’s not all. If none of these books appeal to you, then users can create lists of books such as:

  • Lists of Dystopian Novels
  • Lists of YA books
  • Lists of books with the prettiest covers
  • Lists of Must-Read fantasy classics

And so on. Most of the lists are very popular, and the books you find there will be similar to your tastes. Sometimes even more than the recommendation page itself.

The lists are quite useful, and tailor to specific needs. So if you;re one of those people who buy a book because a girl is wearing a pretty purple dress and is holding a crystal orb or whatever, than the lists are places you can find them. Because the recommendation site is only for books with substance.

If you’re a fan of fanfiction, (Heh. Fan of fanfiction. See what I did there?) not to worry! Many users create groups and discussions for LRP (Live Role Play) and relive their favorite scenes the way they want to. Some groups, like the Young Adult one features new books and discussions for fans. Others dedicate discussions to criticizing and analyzing a book to excruciating details. And others try play a game, like Which Character said What. (WARNING: FOR THE GEEKIEST OF BOOK LOVERS) Personally, I hate fanfic, but I don’t mind it if others leave me out of it.

Finally, the website plays host to a multitude of quizzes and trivia about your favorite book, and no matter whether you love boring documentaries or wonderful magical fantasy, you will always find someone who is of the same mind as you. You will be surprised at how many people there are who appreciate reading, books and the beauty of creating a world in your head.

I think everyone who has read even one book should sign up here, as reading is great! Harry Potter, Eragon, LOTR, Hemingway, Freud, Biographies, whatever it is, I’m sure Goodreads can set you up for a nice date with another book, for another evening.

By the way, that was a cliched ending, but even so, goodreads is really really awesome, and I just love the website. Give it a shot!